Dog Image
Reg Number: N/A
Whelped: Mar 22, 2012
DNA Status: Proven
Foreign Reg #: SZ-2280264
Microchip / Tattoo No: 276098102825413
Survey Period: 2015-2016
HD / ED: Normal / Fast Normal Achievements: SchH3
Owner: N/A


I Parents
II Grand Parents
III G.Grand Parents



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General Information
Height At Withers: 65.50 cm cm Depth Of Chest: 32.00 cm cm
Chest Circumference: 88 cm cm Weight: 38.00 kg kg
Pigment: Rich Colour & Markings: Black-Brown
Testicles: Strong, Well Developed Hair: Stock Hair

Breed Survey Report:
Big, well pigmented dog with very good head and expression. Dark eyes, high wither, firm back, slightly short croup. Well developed fore-chest, very good front angulation, very good underline, very good hind angulation. Straight front, firm hocks, straight coming and going, shows dynamic spacious, fleeting movement with strong hind thrust, steady positive nerves. WA 2016 5 year old male shown in very good condition. Very good coat, weight, overall firmness. The dog shows eagerness to move. The teeth are half worn. Surveyed for life.

Breed Surveyor Ahmed Ilyas

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