Dog Image
Reg Number: WKU.PK.81478
Whelped: Aug 02, 2021
DNA Status: Not Available
Microchip / Tattoo No: 920006543210007
Survey Period: 2024-2025
HD / ED: / / /
Owner: Aliq Shahid


I Parents
II Grand Parents
III G.Grand Parents



No Data Avaiable

General Information
Height At Withers: cm Depth Of Chest: cm
Chest Circumference: cm Weight: kg
Pigment: Colour & Markings: Black-Tan
Testicles: Hair: Long Stock Hair

Breed Survey Report:
Big,substantial female of good type,very good head and expression, pronounced withers, sufficiently firm topline, correctly placed croup of good length. Straight front. Very good front & hind angulation. Balanced chest proportions. Parallel movement. Gaits with ground-covering reach with strong hind thrust.


No Data Avaiable

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