Dog Image
Reg Number: N/A
Whelped: Feb 05, 2003
DNA Status: Stored
Foreign Reg #: RKF-3584979
Microchip / Tattoo No: TMD 1104
Survey Period: Life Time
HD / ED: Normal / Normal Achievements: SchH1
Owner: N/A


I Parents
II Grand Parents
III G.Grand Parents



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Breed Survey Report:
Big, strong, very stretched, dry & firm, high wither, firm back, very good length & placement of croup. Deep hind angulations, normal front, comes correctly. Hocks must be firmer. Balanced fore-chest proportions, strong front powerful free movement. Positive nerves, TSB pronounced; does not release. WA 2009: Very good development and condition.

Breed Surveyor Zygadto

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